REPRISE was mentioned in The Huffington Post
Three films remain fresh in my memory: Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla’s Embrace about the 2008 terrorist massacre in Mumbai; Strangers with young director Kabir Chopra and young actor Zoran Saher; and Reprise, a “relationship” film featuring two women and a college-bound daughter.
And he spoke to Angela, who plays the role of Sarah:
Angela Perri, an actor in the short Reprise which dealt with an abusive relationship, told me at the after-party:
I was intrigued at first by the character, an abusive alcoholic in a same sex marriage, and then further by Shripriya Mahesh’s (the writer/director) treatment of the relationship between the two women. Even though on the surface it might seem the details would create an unfamiliar situation for me, the story — one of connection, relationship and behavior — rung a deep familiar chord.